All FAA Medical/ATC/Basic Med and HIMS exams are now done in Mansfield\
All FAA Medical/ATC/Basic Med and HIMS exams are now done in Mansfield\
A Pennsylvania native, "Dr Mike" left a PhD program at Thomas Jefferson University to attend Philadelphia College of Medicine. He Trained at Grandview Medical Center in Dayton, OH, entered residency at the University of Pennsylvania then, finished at Ohio State University. So…. while he is a Buckeye, when OSU plays Penn State he roots for both teams and a good game where no one gets hurt. His senior thesis was on Classical Ballet: as a full-contact sport. He moonlighted as an ICU, ER house -officer and VAMC Medical Officer and Psychiatric Officer during and after residency and came to Mansfield straight out of residency joining Surgical Neurology of North Central Ohio and the now-retired Dr Albert Timperman - who he credits as having been a great mentor. The year 2021 was his 20th year serving Richland county, but he has practiced and assisted groups in Upper Sandusky, Columbus, Kenton, Wooster, Lima and now covers the Lake Erie Islands as the "Put-in-Bay Island Doctor" He holds his primary board-certification in Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, and also in Pain Management, Electrodiagnostic Medicine and is one of only a few hundred Americans to hold an Internationally recognized Board Certification in Interventional Pain Management known as FIPP (Fellow of Interventional Pain Practice). The FIPP required 4 exams in the United States, then a course and 4 more practical live exams in Budapest Hungary. He also holds board certification with the A4M (American Board of Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine) and has an interest and expertise in facial rejuvenation with Botox and Fillers and is also a Board Certified Independent Medical Examiner.
He incorporates alternative medicine where appropriate using acupuncture, supplements and nutrition and fortuitously became a published expert on naturally occurring venoms specifically albino-cobra envenomation. He has a bit of a history with venomous organisms having used bee venom in research at Thomas Jefferson University, is now an avid Beekeeper and subsequently incorporates honey-bee venom and bee propolis as a treatment modality. This came full circle as much of his pre-PhD work was with venom enzymes and the breakdown of cellular membranes. He is a volunteer with helping to remove the venomous lionfish, an invasive species, from the deep water coral reefs.
He is a Senior Aviation Medical Examiner for pilots and Air Traffic Controllers, military and civilian, at all levels and monitors pilots and other aerospace professionals for optimal health, and also being a Suboxone Provider in addition to being a Chemical Dependency Counselor himself, works with the FAA with an emphasis on getting those professionals with chemical dependency and other issues safely back into the cockpit, as well as anyone else seeking a way out of opiate addiction. He became an Osteopathic Physician as first choice, and is a DO, but most hold an MD certificate as well, via state reciprocity. As an Osteopathic Physician, he uses manual medicine and spinal as well as joint manipulation on nearly every single patient he sees whether in or outside the hospital.
He started out as a Water Safety Instructor, LifeGuard Training Instructor, on to CPR and Advanced First Aid Instructor, then became a New York, Pennsylvania, and Nationally Registered Emergency Medical Technician-M, and was/is certified in Heavy Vehicle Extrication, Interior/Exterior Firefighter, Flammable Fluids and High-Angle Rope Rescue (which was a lot of fun). He teaches the "Stop the Bleed" course to EMT's and Paramedics and is working towards becoming a DiveMaster.
He is currently a part-time flight instructor and flight school medical director, and was “volun-told” (told he volunteered) and serves as president of the Chapter 1629 EAA (Experimental Aircraft Association) in Marysville. He has been a featured speaker for the FAA at the Oshkosh Airshow on Medical Aspects of Flight Illusions - to 900,000 pilots. This was one of many guest lectures given to pilots on behalf of the FAA throughout the county. He has flight students ranging primary students to technically-advanced, high-performance, twin-engine and complex- aircraft transition training. His favorite flights are the Young Eagles program where kids (7-17) get free rides. He is also active with Angel Flight NE and it's parent organization LifeLine Pilots flying patients/families gratis to locations for advanced healthcare who would not otherwise be able to get care.
He is the solo author on approximately 16 Book chapters ranging from hand and wrist mechanics to foot and ankle, shoulder and solo and contributing author for the Stat Pearls series on Foot Drop, Discography, Ultrasound in Medicine, Osteopathic Manual Medicine, Aerospace Medicine and FAA Medical Exams. Other books include Orthopedic Ethics and General Rehabilitation Medicine Principles, and a contributing author on the American Association of Neuroelectrodiagnostic Medicine Mini-Monograph on Neuropathy after Gastric Bypass Surgery
He has done several relief and educational teaching trips to Third-World countries like Honduras where they are trying to build a Rehabilitation Medicine and Physical Therapy or what they call Functional Therapy Programs and has published studies on financially feasible spasticity management in outlying tribal villages - literally, he's done treatments in mud huts on dirt floors while someone pedaled a bike to power the generator for e-stim guided motor point blocks
(even he thinks back on this as crazy)
He was originally introduced to the specialty of Rehabilitation Medicine in his first year of medical school, when while working a nightclub security job and through a series of coincidences, his left arm became paralyzed, and he spent the next year getting EMG's done and studying neurorecovery and wrist mechanics, in addition to his regular full course load. Full-recovered, he believes this was God's plan for him to get into this particular field of medicine. In his free time he paints, does woodworking, volunteers at his Church, as well as the Ohio Historical Society and enjoys the challenges of long-range flint-lock marksmanship.
There may be medical students with him who he tells that “no matter how much you put into your head it’s not going to burst", and they are followed by our office puppy “Kolny”. When asked if Kolny is his dog, he notes “I kind of live at her house”
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