We are an Interventional Spine & Pain Management Rehabilitation Center. We specialize in holistic minimally invasive Spine and Pain Care using a combination of injections, procedures, complex medication management, as well as, spinal and joint manipulation. We provide procedures such as Epidural Steroids, Facet Blocks, Radiofrequency, Pain Pumps, Spinal Cord Stimulators, Endoscopic "Laser" Discectomy, with or without facet fusion, and injectable human tissue matrices, just to name a few. Dr. Stretanski is one of only a handful of Americans to have taken and passed all 8 parts of the International Board Certification specifically in "Interventional Pain Management" - which required him to travel to Budapest Hungary and earn the designation FIPP or "Fellow of Interventional Pain Practice". Our goal is to treat your existing conditions and also work to prevent pain and illness from occurring. We strive to help you improve your quality of life, achieve your wellness goals, and heal your body to live your best life possible. We provide some alternative approaches such as alternative medication management, trigger points, acupuncture, Osteopathic Manipulation, bee venom therapies, active home exercise, and the whole host of state-of-the-art interventional pain management procedures - which is our primary focus. Dr. Stretanski is a medical doctor, specifically an Osteopathic Physician, and does several types of minimally invasive surgery, being that he is a D.O, rarely, a patient does not get some form of manual medicine.
Most of our patients have some degree of lower back or other spine pain, but we treat all joints such as the wrist, shoulder, knee, and hip. We have many things to offer outside of the basic joint injections and can even do a needle scope of the joints right here in our office. As a Physical Medicine and Rehab Doctor, we still do see patients for Traumatic Brain Injury, Spinal cord injury, Migraine, and all headache types, as well as Sports medicine and Performing Arts. There is a time and place for alternative therapies such as bee venom & accupuncture after a thorough standard-of-care assessment and work-up.
Chronic pain and movement limitation mean that you enjoy your life less. Our goals are to increase your quality of life, and increase movement and functional independence. We also provide Electrodiagnostic Medicine Services (EMG), Independent Medical Exams, and a menu of Anti-Aging and Facial Rejuvenation services such as Botox, and facial fillers like Juvéderm and Restylane. We use Regenerative Medicine Techniques and Injections such as Platelet Rich Plasma and Commercially available Amniotic Injectable Products. We do some limited Medical Marijuana Recommendations in legitimate cases such as seizures, intractable pain, or cancer. No, we will not give you a card to "make it legal" because you have been smoking already.
Yes, we do some degree of long-term pain medication management when it is part of a plan of comprehensive rehabilitative care including other treatments. This is done under “informed consent to treatment with controlled substances” AKA a "Pain Contract" that covers ALL controlled substances from ALL sources (no, you cannot get "nerve pills" from somewhere else or smoke marijuana) – In compliance with Ohio House Bill-93 and FSMB guidelines this circumstance mandates face-to-face visit and supervised urine drug screening for every prescription, review of the online pharmacy reports (OARS) and review of some goals of increased function and better quality of life.
No, we do NOT see patients who are looking for nothing other than "pain pills" or other controlled-drug prescriptions. That era is mercifully over. We will not "take over" writing for narcs you were getting from another provider who has stopped writing your medication because they got arrested, lost their medical license or stopped writing them for a valid reason.
Yes, we do provide routes to be seen for Suboxone and Opiate Dependency Treatment. We recommend AA/NA if compatible with your beliefs and/or at least consider "SmartRecovery" as an alternative ... Dr Mike is an SM Trained level Proctor.